9th EuroGOOS International Conference Proceedings released
The 9th EuroGOOS International Conference Proceedings, ‘Advances in operational oceanography: Expanding Europe’s ocean observing and forecasting capacity’, are now available on the permanent conference website hosted by Ifremer. Eurofleets RI – an alliance of organizations and research vessels to strengthen integrated and sustained observations in the ocean and support innovative new technology validation to further advance observing competencies was presented by our project Coordinator, Aodhán

PHYCOB – an international oceanographic expedition into the Western Black Sea coordinated by the Alfred-Wegner-Institut-Helmholtz Zentrum für Polar-und Meeresforschung (AWI)
Are there marine biotoxins present in the Black Sea? This question at first sight may seem to be of merely scientific interest, but in fact has become of increasing socio-economic relevance in the neighboring states not only of the Black Sea. The reason for this is that some microalgal species are capable of producing phycotoxins and in turn are grazed by marine benthic invertebrates such as mussels and oysters, for example. These phycotoxins ingested with their food accumulates in the tissues o

iMAR EUROFLEETS funded campaign showcased at National TV Channel
The 18-day expedition to the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, carried out by the Okeanos Center of the University of the Azores took place aboard the Pelagia, one of the most sophisticated ocean research vessels in the world, led by Telmo Morato, collected images and samples of water and sediment that could help find answers to the impacts of fishing, mining, and transatlantic voyages and climate change in deep-sea ecosystems in the Azores. The investigation of deep sea ecosystems requires complex technolog

Policy Brief ‘Nourishing Blue Economy and Sharing Ocean Knowledge’
EUROFLEETS+ is one of the ten innovative EU projects committed to build ocean observation systems that provide input for evidence-based management of the ocean and the Blue Economy. These projects have joined forces in the strong cluster ‘Nourishing Blue Economy and Sharing Ocean Knowledge’. Under the lead of the EuroSea project, the group published a joint policy brief listing recommendations for sustainable ocean observation and management. The cooperation is supported by the EU Horizon Resul

Eurofleets Benchmark cruise – An insider experience.
I had the great opportunity of joining the EurofleetsPlus Benchmark cruise, focusing on benthic habitat mapping in the Denmark Strait (1-10 August 2021). As an engineer, I’m working at the Marine Robotics Center of the Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ), where I deal with our ROV and other robotics. As I just started in this field, the opportunity to join this Eurofleets cruise with very experienced ROV technicians and pilots was the perfect fit for me. The research took place from the G.O. Sars,

EUROFLEETS+ presented at the the EMSO JRU MEETING
Giuseppe Magnífico presented EUROFLEETS+ project at the EMSO JRU MEETING, held on the 07th October 2021, in Naples, Italy. The aim of this workshop was to explore a common path to a better coordination and to start an integration process of the multiple infrastructures and initiatives to give a more leading role to Italy in the marine research in Europe. The workshop could represent the starting point of this process for favouring synergies and complementarity among the several Italian initiat

International scientific expedition in the Aegean Sea led by scientists from Heidelberg University
How did climate and ecosystem changes influence human societies bordering the southern Aegean Sea during the Holocene? This question is in the focus of a ten-day-long research cruise in the Myrtoon Basin with the research vessel ‘AEGAEO’ funded by the EUROFLEETS+ project. The expedition is coordinated by Dr. Andreas Koutsodendris from the Institute of Earth Sciences (Heidelberg University) and is carried out by an international team of researchers from Germany, Austria, France, and Greece. The p

GRASSMAP to set sail today!
On 14th to 19th September 2021, researchers from the universities of Southampton, Sydney and the Balearic Islands will carry out experiments with different autonomous systems: an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle, an Autonomous Surface Vehicle and a Lagrangian Drifter. The scientific campaign GRASSMAP is funded under Eurofleets+ and will be carried out on board the RV SOCIB in the waters of the Marine Protected Area of Cabrera. These different platforms will be deployed to demonstrate in situ capabi

EUROFLEETS+ Floating University 2021 onboard the RV Oceania – first person narrative
Originally scheduled to sail in June 2020 to do a transect along the Baltic Sea Danish Strait and the Norwegian Sea; the RV Oceania operated by the Institute of Oceanology Polish Academy of Science (IOPAN) was finally able to sail for a circular loop from Gdansk, Poland. Although it was a year later and a shorter journey than planned there was the same, if not more enthusiasm from everyone involved. From early 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic completely stopped all transit among countries and left th

Ever wondered what the deep sea looks like? This Ship-to-shore live will show you!
Ever wondered what the deep sea looks like, 200 metres or more below the surface? Join us to find out! Chris Yesson and Emmeline Broad are currently taking part in a Eurofleets funded expedition, BENCHMARK, exploring the seabed of the Denmark strait (located between the east coast of Greenland and the west coast of Iceland), on board of RV G.O. Sars. They are also using the ROV ÆGIR 6000 with high-definition cameras to film and map this remote marine environment, revealing important habitats a