Vessel Profile
Finnish Environment Institute SYKE, Marine Research Centre. Latokartanonkaari 11 FIN-00790 Helsinki, Finland
The Baltic Sea, from N 53 ̊ to N66 ̊, and E 10 ̊ to E30 ̊, all conditions and seasons. Oceans with no restrictions, Polar areas in spring, summer and fall.
Length |
Breadth |
Draught |
Gross Tonnage |
Ice class |
DP |
Service speed |
Max No. Scientific Berths |
No. of EF+ Scientific Berths |
66.3m |
13.80m |
5.00m |
1969 RT |
Ice 1A*, PC6 or 7 in 2020. |
Yes, DP1 |
12kn |
27 |
25 |
Technical Detail
Laboratory space 260m2 including 5 labs (biological, nutrient, hydrography, isotope, flex) wet lab, 3 clima rooms. Sampling facility 132m2, sampling deck 190m2, capacity for 3 20’ containers, or 6 10’ containers, or combination. Specific fish handling container lab. Underway complete flow through system with fluorometers, thermo-salinometers, sampling automatics, underway ADCP, complete meteorological station w/ ceilometer (Vaisala). Freezers (-18 ̊, -80 ̊), complete nutrient analysis onboard (SEAL)
SBE 911 CTD w/ 12 bottle Rosette sampler 4000m deployment, HydriBios serial water sampler, Towed plankton and hydrography samplers (Utow, AquaShuttle, MultiNet Midi), complete set of HydroBios vertical plankton nets (Phytoplankton, WP-2)
Shelf depth (500m) Multibeam system and SSS under procurement, installed in 2019-2020 in drop keel and separate SSS winch system. Single-beam chirp 12-22 kHz (drop keel), single-beam12 kHz (hull), both attached to Meridata high-definition sub-bottom profiler system. 28 kHz single-beam for CTD work, 50 kHz single-beam for use in back deck instrument operations/installations (e.g. piston corer), ADCP
EK60 38kHz, EK80 with 38, 70, 120, 200 and 333kHz; Scanmar trawl control system, Marport trawl control system
Van Ween, box corer, Gemax sediment samplers
Deck crane SWL 20 kN/16 m, 30 kN/ 8 m
Aft A-frame SWL 50 kN/100 kN + towing winch
CTD winch cables (5/16 “ 1-H213A)
CTD winch 1 4000 m,
CTD winch 2 500 m,
Hydrographic winch 1500 m
Slipring winch for towed vehicles, 300m, remote control
Slipring winch for SSS towing, 400m, remote control
Inmarsat – C
Fleet Broad Band (FBB)
VHF Aero
VSAT (communication (VOIP), internet, TV)
Aranda has battery capacity to run at DP or slow manoeuvre mode for 15-30 mins (depending on weather) with only the double-insulated auxiliary diesel generator running. Good ice navigation capacity, ice pressure measurement system, possibility to launch a small CTD through moon pool in ice. Easy access to work/dive boat and on ice through a side door. Extensive diving operations facilitated by high capacity breathing air compressor, mixed gas capacity and work/dive boats.
Biological, chemical and physical oceanography, pelagic trawling to 300m, Fisheries acoustic surveys, Hydrographic survey, Oceanographic surveys, Mooring deployments, Benthic surveys, operation of ROV/AUV systems, diving facilities, ice research facilities
No experience of seismic surveys, no facilities for long corers or streamer systems.
DP-system, a space for maintenance 15 sqrm,
A room for ROV operation (Acoustic lab), temporal cable installation, A-frame & crane for deployment/retrieval
All vessel equipment will be made available to EurofleetsPlus Users on request. Technical support on vessel equipment will be available during the entire survey.
Vessel availability by location and by year/time of year for Eurofleets+:
Year |
Location |
Availability by Month |
Ports of operation in the period of availability |
2020 |
The Baltic Sea/possibly Arctic |
1-2 week slots avialable around the whole year, |
Helsinki/other |
2021 |
The Baltic Sea/possibly Arctic |
1-2 week slots availabl around whole year |
Helsinki/other |
2022 |
The Baltic Sea/possibly Arctic |
1-2 week slots available around whole year |
Helsinki/other |
Contact Details
Applicants are welcomed to discuss the initial feasibility of their work while they prepare their application with the operator of RV ARANDA:
Medical certification required for joining the vessel and the list of acceptable certificates.
For scientists joining a cruise, a seafarer’s medical certificate is required. A SAR course (“light” 1-day version) is appreciated, and can be organised for participants. More detailed information available from Mr. Panu Hänninen,
Are additional medical checks required
Only divers are required to have a valid diver’s health sertificate along with professionla scientific diver’s certificate
Survival training certification required for joining vessel
List of acceptable equivalent certification:SCTW Personal survival techniques training
Additional certification required e.g. Ship security awareness / other
Diplomatic clearance required for area of operation
Yes, when operating in neighboring countries territorial and EEZ waters. Usually minimum of 6 months handling time required prior to cruise. Clearance is handled by R/V Aranda office.
Additional clearances required for area or type of activity
Additional clearance is required for operation within specific Finnish coastal defensive zones. Aranda office will handle permits, but allow for at least 3 months handling time prior to cruise.
Finland’s National Research vessel, 66.3m long. Commissioned 1989, major refit 2017-2018. Operates currently ca. 200 days per annum. DNVGL Class 1A Research Ship E0 Ice(1A) Battery power.
Silent class R (approval in progress).
Special purpose ship code (max 60 persons).