Scientific Cruise Season at full steam

In 2022, 10 Scientific campaigns were expected to take place with only 3 to go we can say this season has been a success. 

The first Cruise Calypso, ended in March, and aimed at discovering the routes by which physical and biogeochemical tracers are transported vertically, as currents carry them horizontally.

Cable a two part survey, had its first leg in April will resume in October and  is experimenting on the central Baltic Sea Circulation.

Ending in May, Grace, studied the geological risks in the Ceuta Canyon and its annex areas with a multidisciplinary lens, focusing on the sedimentary processes, chrono-stratigraphy, and oceanography. 

Also in May, TAlPro2022, contributed to the sustained observational effort already existing at regional scale by repeating the basin-scale survey of the Tyrrhenian Sea and of the Algero-Provencal basin. First CTD and tracer analysis suggest that the Tyrrhenian seems much more ventilated (compared to our 2016 data). 

June started with SENERGY – Using energy landscapes to explain habitat-use of seabirds.

IOPD, ended in July and aimed at investigating the consequences of climate change on the plankton community and marine ecosystem.

Just concluded, the Figure campaign is studied the effect of fine scale structures on diazotroph activity and diversity.

To close the year we will have the CARBO-ACID, GLICE and SINES wishing the three of them Fair Winds and Following Seas.

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