EUROFLEETS+ Floating University – “Meeting societal needs for impartial evidence on the state and sustainable use of the ocean biological resources: the case of the Nephrops norvegicus (Norway lobster) ”
Onboard the R/V Mário Ruivo
Off Portugal coast (Southwest and South) 8thJune – 3rd July2022
The EurofleetsPlus “Floating University”
Eurofleets+ is a unique consortium of research vessels, equipment and scientists supported by 42 marine institutes, universities, foundations and SMEs from 24 countries around the North Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea. A key objective of Eurofleets+ is the delivery of five Floating Universities for early stage researchers of marine related sciences. Floating Universities will address a range of themes and topics and focus on the applications and operation of research vessel data acquisition and sampling systems and equipment.
General course objectives
The general objective of the course is to provide theoretical background and practical experience in the scientific understanding of marine ecosystems and the services they provide, and to use this knowledge to generate state-of-the-art advice for meeting conservation, management, and sustainability goals using as a case study the Nephrops norvegicus (Norway lobster).
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R/V Mário Ruivo | Target-area |
Students will be familiarized with measurements and sampling protocols. Training will be conducted during the Crustaceans survey taking place along the Southwest and South coasts of Portugal, on board of R/V Mário Ruivo which is operated by Portuguese Institute for Sea and Atmosphere, Lisboa, Portugal.
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Working day at R/V Mário Ruivo |
Learning objectives
The course is addressed to post-graduates student conducting education and research for development of Master of Science and Ph.D. degree.
Students participating in this course will learn to:
- estimate the relative abundance of Nephrops norvegicus (Norway lobster) and deep-water rose shrimp for use in the assessment and advice process
- study the geographical distribution of the target-species
- determine biological parameters (sex-ratio, length-weight, maturity, growth) meeting the Data Collection Framework sampling requirements
- monitor the distribution and relative abundance of accompanying fish and invertebrate species
- collect data for the determination of biological parameters for selected fish species
- collect data for biodiversity studies and information on marine litter distribution to comply with the EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive requirements
- collect hydrographical and environmental parameters (e.g., temperature, salinity)
- collect sediment data to improve the definition of target-species habitat
Course content
The course is composed of a combination of lectures, practical sampling/measurements, laboratory work (on board), and interpretation of data. A description of planned experimental work, survey design & planning, and practical issues will be carried on board after the begging of the survey. We will be muster on board RV Mário Ruivo on June 7th, 2022 until noon, and leave the harbour on the next day. On board students will work in two groups conducting all the different measurements taken during the survey. Data acquisition and processing workshops will be conducted in the evenings together with lectures presenting the scientific aspects of the study area. Analysis and interpretation of the instrumental measurements data collected during the cruise will take place on board. The course will end in Lisbon (Portugal), with a presentation/open discussion on the data collected, and the compilation of the cruise report by students on the last day on-board. Students are expected to return to their home institutions immediately after disembarkation in Lisbon on July 3rd, 2022.
Time plan
- The course will be from the June 8th to 3rd July 2022 on board of the R/V Mário Ruivo.
- Participants are expected to arrive to the R/V Mário Ruivo (Lisbon, Portugal) on June 7th before noon.
- June 7th, 2022, safety briefing and introductory lectures on Research Vessels and Ocean Observatories
- June 8th, 2022, introductory lectures about sampling and instrumental measurements
- From June 9th, to June 28th, 2022 on-board activities on R/V Mário Ruivo
- From June 29th, to July 1st, 2022 data interpretation and writing cruise report onboard of R/V Mário Ruivo
- July 2nd, 2022, students presentations
- July 3rd, 2022, arrival to Lisbon harbour
- July 4th, 2023, departure to home institutions
- Corina Chaves, chief scientist on board R/V Mario Ruivo, training and lectures on Survey overview, Sampling theory, Sampling for catches and species estimation, Data processing and Quality Control, Marine Litter
- Pedro Gomes, lecture and training on taxonomy and species identification and biodiversity
- Inês Farias, lecture and training on sampling for biological parameters and its use in assessment, lecture biological sampling for crustaceans
- Catarina Maia, lecture and training on biological sampling for elasmobranches
- Adelaide Resende & Ana Luisa Ferreira, training on biological sampling for fish
- Paula Abreu, training on identification and biological sampling for crustaceans
- Mafalda Carapuço, Coordinator of the Research Vessels and Ocean Observatories Group: lecture on Research Vessels
- Tanya Silveira, Research Vessels and Ocean Observatories Group: lecture on Ocean Observatories
A total of 4 positions are available for European post-graduate students (students of all nationalities enrolled at European universities) and the selection will be based on the information provided in the application form.
Online application form available to access at
Applications must be received by April 29th, 2022 (you need to register on the website!)
Successful applicants will be notified by May 10th, 2022
At the end of the course a certificate of completion will be delivered to all participants. This will include module descriptor of the course.
Costs and travel grants
The course is funded by EU H2020 project Eurofleets+
The course is free of charge, but participants need to pay for their own travel expenses to Lisbon (Portugal) and return to their home destination. The accommodation and meals will be onboard provided by course organizers.
- Course organizer Institution: Portuguese Institute for Sea and Atmosphere, Lisbon, Portugal,
- on board of R/V Mário Ruivo
For any additional questions, please contact:
Course Coordinator:
Cristina Silva
Research scientist, Crustaceans Survey Coordinator
Portuguese Institute for Sea and Atmosphere
Phone: (+351) 218 447 000
Mafalda Carapuço
Research Vessels and Ocean Observatories Group Coordinator
Portuguese Institute for Sea and Atmosphere
Phone: (+351) 913 220 122