Townhall Meeting at the EGU General Assembly in Vienna, Austria
At 09th April 2019, Eurofleets+ performed a Townhall Meeting to introduce the project, ship time opportunities and education and training in Eurofleets+. The Townhall Meeting “Eurofleets+: New opportunities for excellent marine science” was convened by Dr. Nicole Biebow from the Alfred-Wegener-Institut für Polar- und Meeresforschung. In three different presentations, a broad audience of interested researchers early-career researchers and senior scientists, including beneficiaries from previous E

Over 70 scientists and research fleets operator’s kick-off EUROFLEETS+ project
The EU H2020 EUROFLEETS+ Kick-off meeting held at the Marine Institute, Galway (5th – 7th March 2019) announced details of the project that will facilitate access to the largest advanced research vessel fleet across Europe, Greenland, USA and Canada, Bermuda and New Zealand. Building on the achievements of the two preceding EUROFLEETS projects, the Marine Institute are coordinators of EUROFLEETS+, which includes a consortium of 42 marine institutes, universities, foundations and SMEs from

A new integration step within European research fleets : launching of the EUROFLEETS+ project
EUROFLEETS+ Project will officialy start on the 1st of February 2019 and the KoM will be held in Galway, Ireland on the 05th – 07th of March 2019. EUROFLEETS+ – “An alliance of European marine research infrastructure to meet the evolving needs of the research and industrial communities”, is an H2020 project funded under the Infrastructures initiative, coordinated by the Marine Institute that brings together a significant group of key marine research actors (in particular research vessel operator

ANTSSS Cruise – PI Interview
Just before the start of the cruise Jenny Gales was interviewed please see the movie here

How EUROFLEETS2 succeeded?
Check out the new EUROFLEETS brochure Available here

EUROFLEETS2 Final Conference
The EUROFLEETS2 Final Conference, held on January 31st 2017 at the Auditorium of the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Brussels (Belgium) It was dedicated to disseminate the main EUROFLEETS2 results and to introduce future perspectives through the ARICE proposal submitted in 2016 to the H2020 call for TransNational Access to infrastructures as a starting community and the EUROFLEETS+ proposal to be submitted in the frame of the H2020 2018-2020 work program (INFRAIA-01-2018-2019 call)

EUROFLEETS Gioia Cruise Documentary – Now Available!
Get on board of this EUROFLEETS2 Cruise and check-out what was done!

EUROFLEETS LGT Panther Cruise Documentary – Now Available!
Check-out what was done during this cruise and the importance of EUROFLEETS2 to this group of researchers!
EUROFLEETS ISLAND Cruise Documentary – Now Available!
Check-out the importance of the TNA activities for this dynamic team of researchers. (Short Version) (Extended Version)
IMDIS 2016 – EUROFLEETS2 presentation
Several EUROFLEETS2 beneficiaries attended and presented at IMDIS 2016, that was held in Gdansk from the 11 to 13 of October. The International Conference on Marine Data and Information Systems – IMDIS 2016 aimed at providing an overview of the existing information on marine environmental data, and showing progress on development of efficient infrastructures for managing large and diverse data sets. The conference was organized by IOPAN, Institute of Oceanology – Polish Academy of Sciences, Pola