EUROFLEETS showcased at the 9th EUROGOOS conference
Eurofleets RI – an alliance of organizations and research vessels to strengthen integrated and sustained observations in the ocean and support innovative new technology validation to further advance observing competencies was presented by our project Coordinator, Aodhán Fitzgerald, at the 09th EuroGOOS conference, held virtually on the 03-05 May 2021. Every three years, the EuroGOOS conference provides a forum of interaction between marine scientists and technologists developing operational ocea

Welcome to the EUROFLEETS+ new Stakeholder Forum!
We are launching this tool as a way to invite all stakeholders to share input into the thought process, discussion and decisions we make to improve our relationships with our stakeholders communities. To ensure you receive the latest updates, subscribe to our EUROFLEETS+ newsletter at: https://www.eurofleets.eu/. We start be posting forum topics during May. You must have registered at the EUROFLEETS+ website to participate in the discussion. Create or sign into your account. Visit the forum at:

Eurofleets held its 1st International Stakeholder Workshop
The 1st International Stakeholder Workshop: Combining fixed and mobile ocean observing systems and their link with satellite observations, was held on online on the 13th April 2021. EMSO ERIC led the first Eurofleets International Stakeholder Workshop which took place virtually in April, followed by the launching of the Eurofleets+ stakeholder Forum. The event entitled “Combining fixed and mobile ocean observing systems and their link with satellite observations”, attended by more than 140 parti

Floating University: R/V Mário Ruivo. Applications Now Open!
EUROFLEETS+ Floating University – “Meeting societal needs for impartial evidence on the state and sustainable use of the ocean biological resources: the case of the Nephrops norvegicus (Norway lobster) ” Onboard the R/V Mário Ruivo Off Portugal coast (Southwest and South) 15thJune – 5th July2021 The EurofleetsPlus “Floating University” Eurofleets+ is a unique consortium of research vessels, equipment and scientists supported by 42 marine institutes, universities, foundations and SMEs from 24 cou

A team of Portuguese scientists secure Eurofleets+funding to explore the Azores Deep Sea.
The team led by Okeanos from the University of the Azores has secured funding for research ship time under the OCEANOSDO MAR program that will allow the exploration of areas of the Portuguese sea as of yet unexplored. The investigation of deep sea ecosystems requires complex technological equipment and capabilities, large oceanographic vessels and specialized crews, which are very costly. Access to resources such as this are rarely available to national scientific communities. The funding now gu

EMSO-PT release project video
The project European Multidisciplinary Sea floor and water column Observatory, Portugal (EMSO-PT) is a European Large Scale Research Infrastructure, consisting of multidisciplinary underwater observatories and other data processing support infrastructures. The goal of EMSO-PT is to generate continuous scientific data on marine environmental processes related to the interaction between the geosphere, biosphere and hydrosphere. This movie presents the water column profiler operated by CCMAR – Cent

EUROFLEETS+ Engaging Stakeholders
One of the key aims of the Eurofleets+ project is to involve a wide range of stakeholders to inform on the development, operation and strategic direction of the European research vessel fleet. In particular, the aim of the work package “Stakeholder Engagement” is to involve relevant stakeholders to coordinate efforts for the use of technologies and platforms for marine research and to assess the progressing needs and perspectives of stakeholders and user communities. The relevant categories of s

EUROFLEETS+ Education and Training Activities
Due to COVID-19 pandemic lockdown and effective ban and limitations on international travel, the practical training activities have been frozen for the most of 2020. Even if the situation still remains uncertain, we are ready to restart. After the success of the first Eurofleets+ Floating University (held in February 2020 on board the Irish R/V Celtic Voyager), two others are planned in 2021. The “Use of bio-optical parameters as convenient tool to study marine biogeochemical processes” cou

Eurofleets community to establish a long-term sustainable system
The time is ripe for the Eurofleets community to establish a long-term sustainable system to ensure the coordination of the European Research Vessels, the ability to handle Transnational Access to Research Vessels and Large EXchangeable Instruments, together with strengthening the sharing of knowledge, experience, best practice and collaboration among research vessels and/or LEXI operators and various stakeholders across Europe (Figure 1). Based on the analysis of the current European Research I

Management of data acquired as part of Eurofleets+ cruises, using EARS
Eurofleets+ facilitates access to 27 research vessels, and multiple AUVs and ROVs from European and international partners by means of transnational access (TA) calls. A Data Policy has been adopted for all data sets as acquired and processed in the framework of TA cruises, namely to make these findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable (FAIR). Therefore, data management (DM) is integrated in Eurofleets+ activities, adopting SeaDataNet standards and services, aimed at widely disseminating