46.7 km Athens-Sounio Avenue,
19013 Anavyssos,
Depth Rating |
Length |
Width |
Height |
Weight in Air |
Total System Weight |
Payload |
Endurance (AUV) |
2000m |
2.2m |
0.9m |
2.0m |
1300Kg |
<6.5 Tons |
68kg |
n/a |
Technical Detail
ROV MAX ROVER MARK II is a light work class ROV which reaches depths of 2000m and is easily deployed from most vessels.
ROV Max Rover Mark II is suitable for;
- Deployment and recovery of instruments (e.g. Sediment traps, Logging devices, seismographs and samplers all over Mediterranean and Red Sea)
- Biological and geological sampling (e.g. sampling with special made tools, push cores, rock sampling, coral sampling)
- Making videos, mosaicking (e.g. Scientific videos recording and mosaicking, archaeological site video)
- Marine Archaeology (e.g. video recording, mosaicking and recovery of artefacts)
- Installing and repairing of sea deep infrastructures (deep observatories, power and communication cables.)
- Assistance in recovering large objects at sea (e.g. Recovering of a F16 airplane from 850m depth)
Our ROV & team has already been used by Spanish, German, Israeli, American and Saudi scientific teams at many sites in the Mediterranean Sea (South Alboran Basin, and Balearic Sea, north of Alexandria, Egypt, Cyprus Basin), all over the Red Sea and the Aegean Sea.
Due to the ROV’s system not being permanently installed on a ship and its control consoles not being installed in a container, it has been used from many different ships and is easily deployed.
Underwater speed: 2.5 knots (fwd/rev), 1.5 knots (vert/lat), bollard pull: 160 kg.
3 x Colour CCD video camera ( 30x HQ zoom camera), 2x HD cameras (1920×1080),1xDigital Still Photo Camera with 4 green lasers; Lights: 4 x 100 W HID lights and 2 x 150 W Quartz lights;
Accurate positioning using 1x Workhorse DVL; 1 x Tracklink 10000 USBL system with 3 pingers (max 4000 m depth), 1x Tracklink 1500 system with 8 pingers (max 1000 m depth).
Sonars: Tritech Dual Frequency Scanning Sonar (675/1200 KHz), Tritech Side Scan Sonar (910 KHz); Tritech Sub bottom profiler (10Khz)
Extras: 1xSM 9/125 optical Fibber for general use,1xEthernet 10/100 port, 5 RS232/RS485 ports available for extra instrument connection.
1x Hydrolek electro-hydraulic 5 function manipulator; 1x Hydrolek electro-hydraulic 6 function manipulator, 1xHydrolek 18mm cable cutter.
The vehicle is a free-flyer without TMS or LARS to be deployed over the side of the vessel via the ship’s crane.
Contact Details
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Technical specification documents: