2nd EUROFLEETS+ ROV LAB – Application Open!
University Bremen – MARUM, Germany, November 22nd-24th 2022 The ROV Lab workshop is organized within the scope of the EurofleetsPlus training program and will be held at MARUM – Center for Environmental Sciences, University Bremen, Germany. The three days workshop (22nd-24th of November 2019) is offered to European research-ROV Pilots/Technicians with no or basic experience and knowledge of ROV operations and technology. The workshop will cover topics such as dive preparation or mobilization in

2nd International Eurofleets+ Workshop – Register Now
The Eurofleets+ team is delighted to invite you to its upcoming international workshop on Monday, September 26th, 14:00-17:00 CEST (UTC+2), for which you and your colleagues can register here: Workshop registration page. Help us shape what research vessels can do for your community, by contributing to an interactive 3-hour online workshop in which we will be exploring questions such as: How can we strengthen synergies with Atlantic Mapping programmes and the research vessel community? How can

ERVO 24th Meeting: Eurofleets+ Provides Progress Update and Outlines Next Steps
The European Research Vessels Operators (ERVO) group held its 24th in Bucharest from 5th -7th of September 2022 hosted by the GeoEcoMar. Eurofleets+ organized a session to provide an update on Eurofleets+ Project progress to date including Transnational Access followed by an overview of the Eurofleets RI: Building Eurofleets Legacy: Update on transnational access pilot groups and Scenarios for a permanent fleets coordination platform. The session was closed with a presentation by Aodhan Fitzgera

EUROFLEETS+ SEISMIC workshop – New Application deadline 15th of September 2022!
OGS, Trieste, Italy, October 10th-12nd 2022 The Seismic Lab workshop is organized as part of the EurofleetsPlus training program and will be held at OGS, National Institute of Oceanography and applied Geophysics in Trieste (Italy). The three-day workshop (October 10-12, 2022) is offered to researchers in the field of marine science who have no or only basic experience and knowledge in the acquisition and processing of multichannel seismic data. The workshop will cover topics such as Marine Seis

Eurofleets+ BOREHOLE SEISMIC workshop – New Application deadline 15th of September 2022!
OGS, Trieste, Italy, October 12th-14th 2022 The Seismic Lab workshop is organized as part of the EurofleetsPlus training program and will be held at OGS, National Institute of Oceanography and applied Geophysics in Trieste (Italy). The three days’ workshop (October 12-24, 2022) is offered to Marine sciences related researchers with no or only basic experience and knowledge of Borehole Seismic data acquisition and processing. The workshop is closely related to ECCSEL-ERIC and to the ECCSELERATE

EUROFLEETS+ Blue Skils: AUV Workshop – Registration Open!
An AUV workshops / training on AUV operation, organized within the Eurofleets+ training program, will be held at the Robotics Lab workshop of Gothenburg University (UGOT) in collaboration with the Swedish Marine Robotics Centre (SMaRC). The workshop will have a duration of 5 days (from Oct 31st to Nov 4th) and is offered to European PhD and post-graduate students (students of all nationalities enrolled at European universities). Course elements include technical preparation of Autonomous Underw

Floating University: R/V Skagerak and R/V Svea – Applications Open!
EUROFLEETS+ Floating University “Modern techniques and platforms for ocean observations” Onboard the R/V Skagerak and R/V Svea Lysekil 24-28 October 2022 The EurofleetsPlus “Floating University” This international Eurofleets course will expose participants to several state-of-the-art ocean observing platforms available in West Sweden. Training aspects include understanding of ship- and robotic-based observing techniques and their associated sensors and measurement capabilities. The course

Save the Date: 2nd International Eurofleets+ Workshop
Eurofleets+ H2020 project, under the activities of Work Package 5 (Stakeholder Engagement), will host a second Stakeholder Workshop on the 26th of September 2022 Duration: 3 hours in virtual mode The workshop will focus on Synergies with Atlantic Mapping programmes and the research vessel community, and aims to connect with Atlantic Programmes such as Mission Atlantic, EMODnet Bathymetry and other Benthic Mapping stakeholders, including industry. One of the crucial points to be explored and disc

Scientific Cruise Season at full steam
In 2022, 10 Scientific campaigns were expected to take place with only 3 to go we can say this season has been a success. The first Cruise Calypso, ended in March, and aimed at discovering the routes by which physical and biogeochemical tracers are transported vertically, as currents carry them horizontally. Cable a two part survey, had its first leg in April will resume in October and is experimenting on the central Baltic Sea Circulation. Ending in May, Grace, studied the geological risks in

First-person perspective: I joined Eurofleets+ campaign as an intern on board RV Belgica
Lauretta Kaerger, University of Florence, joined Eurofleets+ as an intern on a one-week cruise from Cádiz, Spain, to Portimão in Portugal on board the RV Belgica. The objective of the cruise was to collect geophysical subsurface data and if possible cores to detect tsunami deposits in the Algarve and eventually look for a possible correlation with previously collected onshore deposits. Read more on her log: Lauretta_Kaerger_Cruise_Report_RVBelgica2022