EVIOR Rebrand
The EVIOR platform is a product form the earlier EUROFLEETS initiatives. As part of the EUROFLEETS+ project it has been decided to continue and upgrade the following existing components: Research Vessel Cruise Programme database, containing planned cruises per research vessel and owner / operator; Research Vessel database, containing characteristics of each research vessel, owner / operator details and, if available, a link to the ship’s web page; Cruise Summary Reports (CSR) database, containin

ROV Workshop
The first of two planned ROV Lab courses took place from the 19th-21st of November 2019. 11 applications were received and 7 participants from Greece, Germany and Sweden were considered as suitable and invited. As the course was designed for 8 people, a MARUM member was invited to fill the last open place. The participants received a training lesson in using a 7-function manipulator and a scientific dive in a virtual “Black Smoker ventfield” environment was carried out in the QuestSIM simulator.

AUV Workshop
The first Workshop took place from the 20th of August 2019 at the Robotics Lab workshop of Gothenburg University (UGOT) in collaboration with the Swedish Marine Robotics Centre (SMaRC) including participation of industry (Marine Mätteknik, MMT) and focus on AUV and Sea-Glider operations. Course elements included technical preparation of Autonomous Underwater Vehicles, mission planning preparation, integration of scientific payload, data acquisition and post-processing of various types of sensors

Eurofleets+ Floating Universities have begun
Eurofleets+ held its first Floating University on hydrographic surveying on board the Marine Institute’s RV Celtic Voyager in Cork Harbour (19th – 23rd February 2020). The seven-day training programme attracted postgraduate students from Ireland, United Kingdom, Italy, Germany, Iceland and Brazil. The EuroFleets+ Floating University introduced students to the principles and methods applied to hydrographic surveying, through lectures and workshops at the University College Cork and three days of

SEA-Call “REGIONAL” Preliminary Results
The call closed at 28th of February and twenty-two proposals were submitted to the SEA Programme Call “REGIONAL”. Applications had the PI’s coming from 10 nations:

SEA-Call “OCEANS” Results
Thirty-four proposals were submitted to the SEA Programme Call “OCEANS”, having all passed the eligibility criteria. These proposals involved 253 applicant’s applicants based in 30 different countries, reflecting a high international collaboration. The proposals covered the following regional distribution: A total of 570 external evaluators were contacted for the evaluation process, with a success range of 3-5 external evaluations per proposal. As a result of the logistic evaluation, 10 hig

Toolkit for Course Directors developed
The EUROFLEETS+ ‘Research Vessel Training Toolkit’ represents a further step towards a higher level of marine researcher training, improving and consolidating the organization and development of Floating University courses by: defining common procedures and templates, to ensure a standardised approach to course development providing information on how to produce module descriptors, learning outcomes, organize pre- and post-cruise workshops developing digital learning resources identifyin

Dissemination toolbox for young researchers
EUROFLEETS+ has successfully delivered a “Dissemination Toolbox” for young researchers. A “how to guide” to effectively communicate research to different people at different times and through different media. It provides all the resources needed to get the most impact from their Eurofleets+ experience. The tool box includes: Message in a Bottle – How to get your message to the right audience, Casting your net – How to use Social Media to showcase your work and reach your audience, The Sail

The first Eurofleets+ General Assembly took place in Lisbon from 3rd to 5th March 2020 and was hosted by IPMA and marks the beginning of the second year of the project.
The meeting provided the opportunity to review the work done in year one and facilitated discussion on the advancement of all project objectives and activities. The agenda included a plenary session with all work package leaders providing an update on progress and next steps, in conjunction with specific work package meetings for more in-depth exploration of each project focus area. Prof. Miguel Miranda, President of Instituto Portugues do Mar e da Atmosfera (IPMA) opened the meeting welcoming

EUROFLEETS+ to be present at the EMSO Conference – preparing for UN Decade of Ocean Science
The conference aims to offer an international scientific framework to increase the coordination and the effectiveness of international cooperation worldwide. By stimulating the exchange of information, best practices, and strategy alignment, the conference is designed to contribute to the improvement of the conditions for sustainable development and fulfillment of societal needs, increasing the awareness of the importance of the Ocean’s health. Giuseppe Magnifico (CNR) will represent Eurofleets+