EUROFLEETS2 “Super-integration 2013” Call Results

Four proposals were submitted to the EUROFLEETS2 “Super-Integration” call 2013. All the proposals met the eligibility criteria in terms of requested proposal structure.

All the projects passed the scientific evaluation (“scientific success rate” 100%), but only one proposal could be selected for Super-Integration funding, as the intention of this call was to fund one single flagship project for the 4 years. The Super-Integration call’s success rate was 25%.

The funded proposal will get access to 28 days at sea fully funded by the EC.

Polar and Subpolar call funded cruises:

Cruise name Lead organisation Vessels
Timing Duration (Days) Cruise Report
MED-SUV.ISES Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia – Ingv Sarmiento de Gamboa (x 2), Aegaeo Cruise 1+2: June-July 2014; cruise 3: November 2014  5+10+13 Report
  Total funded Days 28 
Applicants’ nationalities for the Super Integration call, as an indicator of international collaboration (18 nationalities for 4 proposals). Total # of applicants: 54. Principal investigators from Italy (2), UK, and France.
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