Institute of Oceanology, Polish Academy of Sciences

Short Name: IOPAN
Country: Poland


Instytut Oceanologii Polskiej Akademii Nauk, the Institute of Oceanology, is the largest Polish institution involved in marine research established in 1951, is an independent research institution financed by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. Its mission is to generate knowledge to support sustainable use and protection of the marine environment through innovative and high level scientific and technological research. The Institute is divided into five departments: Marine Chemistry and Biochemistry, Marine Physics, Physical Oceanography, Genetics and Marine Biotechnology, Marine Ecology. IOPAN operates its own research vessel RV Oceania.

IOPAN has about 180 employees, runs graduate studies and has full academic accreditation to award PhD and DSc degrees in the field of Earth Sciences. IOPAN belongs to three European Networks of Excellence: MARBEF, MARINEGENOMICS and EUROCEANS, holds the EU Status of Center of Excellence in Shelf Sea Sciences.

Departments involved in works on Eurofleets development:

  • Marine Physics Department performs research in domains of marine and atmospheric optics, marine bio-optics, remote sensing, and marine acoustics.

  • Physical Oceanography Department performs research on air-sea interaction – exchange of mass (aerosols) and energy, momentum and radiation at the ocean-atmosphere contact zone, mesoscale processes in the ocean – ocean circulation, mesoscale eddies, mass and heat transport, exchange of mass and properties between deep basins of the Baltic Sea, numerical hydrodynamics and modeling: mathematical numerical description of sea water movement in the natural surroundings; hydrodynamic and ecological modeling in the Baltic Sea and the European Arctic Seas (Norwegian and Greenland Seas).

  • IT Department operate oceanographic data center, performs activities on data management, database development, application development and maintains all processes at IO PAN where ICT is addressed. It is also performing scientific research in the field of application of Artificial Neural Network algorithms and Deep Learning to oceanography.

IOPAN operates number of platforms located at Baltic Sea: buoys, floaters, AUV and ROV of potential use for the Eurofleets+ project.


Following Eurofleets I, IOPAN offers RV Oceania for training activities as part of the Floating Universities programme (WP6).

IOPAN will undertake activities in WP6 Education and Training. IOPAN intends to use experience gained from both scientific research and past projects’ results, SeaDataNet, EuroFleets JRA and TNA, CommonSense, as well as ongoing, SeaDataCloud and NetBaltic (nationally funded development of communication system for offshore and open sea applications) as well.

Relevant Publications

  • Wichorowski M., Błachowiak-Samołyk K., “Aggregation and processing of data originating from heterogeneous sources for multidimensional analyses”, Boletino di Geofisica Teorica e Aplicata, Vol. 57, n.Suppl. 1, October 2016

  • Wichorowski M., Sagan S., „ Data center from scratch – Integrated Ocean Data and Information Management System (ZSPDO)”, Bolletino di Geofissica vol 54, 2013

  • Development of neural network for estimation of feeding fields quality, M. Wichorowski, K. Błachowiak-Samołyk, SciDataCon 2016

  • Shore to ship e-access – data and metadata, Eurofleets2-WP13-D13.7 Report, P. Diviacco, M. Wichorowski, 2017


Powstańców Warszawy 55, 81-712 Sopot, Poland
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