T3.3.2.2. Cooperative Guidance

T3.3.1 Intelligent AUV mapping
T3.3.2 AUV-ASV Cooperation

M6-M42. A leader-follower waypoint-based controller will be implemented. Two modes of operation will be studied:

Mode 1 – the ASV follows the AUV: the AUV performs its mission on its own and then ASV follows the AUV in order to keep it inside the cone of coverture of the USBL.

Mode 2 – the AUV follows the ASV: the AUV is equipped with a MBES and follows a programmed mission, (commonly a lawn mower pattern) while building a bathymetric map online implemented as an occupancy grid. The ASV uses the map to plan ahead the trajectory to be followed by the AUV in order to acquire optical imagery of the seafloor at close distance, as well as to plan its own trajectory in order to ensure the USBL coverture of the AUV. The ASV sends the future waypoints to be achieved by the AUV online through the acoustic modem, while AUV tracks them in bottom following mode.

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