T1.1 Eurofleets+ kickoff meeting

T1.1 Eurofleets+ kickoff meeting
T1.2 Project management
T1.3 Data management
T1.4 Launch Eurofleets+ project
T1.5. Project leadership and monitoring
T1.6. Project Reporting

Lead: MI

M1. Introduction of Project Handbook for Eurofleets+ (copy of Consortium Agreement signed in advance of the project, EC grant agreement including Description of Work, and project procedures, protocols, and templates). Kickoff meeting Agenda to include: overall project goals; contractual requirements of the EC grant agreement; core activities and success indicators; management structure and responsibilities; individual WPs and synergies in project activities (TA/VA, JRA, NA); roles and responsibilities of WP Leaders, Task Leaders and all Participants; introduction to members of External Advisory Board; reporting requirements for quarterly, 6-monthly, and annual progress reports, including Deliverable Reports; risk management procedures; prioritization of Tasks for first 6 months of project in particular the functionality of the Eurofleets+ website (to be developed in WP9), access portal (to be developed in WP4), and Call management; preparations for main project events and meetings, and agreement on dates and locations; discussion of resources, and management and communication tools; discussion of any other relevant administrative, financial, legal, organisational, and quality aspects of the project. The kickoff meeting will take place at the Marine Institute in Galway, Ireland (Coordinator). [Lead partner MI, All Participants].

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