Task 9.4 Exploitation and Promotion of the scientific data

Task 9.1 Plan and support dissemination activities
Task 9.2 Develop and maintain Eurofleets + web presence
Task 9.3 Promoting the science of Eurofleets+
Task 9.4 Exploitation and Promotion of the scientific data
Task 9.5 News from the Ocean
Task 9.6 Informing decision-makers
Task 9.7 Activities towards other observing systems and infrastructures
Task 9.8 Supporting capacity-building and ocean literacy


During the funded cruises various types of research data will be produced, whereas routinely measured parameters will be collected from as many Eurofleets + vessels as possible. Both types of data will be processed by the Eurofleets+ reference data centres (three NODCS: HCMR, RBINS and OGS, see WP3 and WP4) in order to make them suitable for open and virtual access through dissemination according to the FAIR data management guiding principles. The data centres will take care of the actual dissemination and promotion of these data by publishing the corresponding metadata in global directories (SeaDataNet, EurOBIS, EMODnet, GEOSS, IOC-IODE portal and in the near-future EOSC) but also on a dedicated Eurofleets + data sets catalogue, providing persistent links (DOIs) to the actual data, accessible through the project website and the “European Virtual Infrastructure in Ocean Research” portal (EVIOR). Existing collaborative tools, such as DITS (data sets ingestion tool, RBINS) or SNAP (data sets dissemination platform, OGS) will be set up to allow rapid data processing and dissemination. En-route data will also be submitted to large scale international programmes collecting “en-route” data (GOSUD, GO-SHIP, GTS, etc.). to increase their visibility and use and to the various EMODnet portals, in order to contribute to a better geographical coverage. Access to these programmes ́ databases will be provided through links on the Eurofleets+ website. The EVIOR portal itself will be kept up–to–date with information on planned, on–going and completed cruises, research vessels and large instrument equipment and it will be progressively populated with the metadata and access to the research and en-route data once the corresponding new functionalities are available.

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