Transnational activity communications. This task will support both targeted and broad dissemination and publicity of the TA cruises funded by the project. An announcement of upcoming and open TA calls will be publicised through the project ́s communications tools, including its eNewsletter, website and social media channels, the National Contact Point networks (e.g. RICH 2020) and through beneficiary networks. The results of the calls will also be widely published. A dissemination toolbox will be prepared to support TA participants to promote their funded cruises. It will contain guidance (e.g. type of audience, how to prepare a press brief, type of language to use) and examples of tools (e.g. social media hashtags, checklists for communication) and materials (e.g. photos, video, blogs). Blogs, photos, video and social media feeds will then be prepared by the participants of each funded cruise, in particular the younger researchers involved through WP 6, and used to generate a range of dissemination materials including web-based information, where possible close to real time. The interactive map on the project website will show the cruise location in real-time and will be linked to cruise collected dissemination material. Such materials will also be used to create specific news and newsletter articles and captivating “Eurofleets+ Stories” for reaching a wider audience. Cruise video material collected as part of WP6 will be used for different settings, including news media outlets (e.g. Euronews). The potential of partnering with media agencies such as National Geographic or SKY will be explored.